
Can You Trust Them?

Diposting oleh diorockout | 7:25 PM

Nowadays, many people feel dissapointed with many public place or company. LIke minimum security, that people can be disturb or being steal. Other example is, not have a good services, as we know, that the visitors are very happy if the public services is good. Hated? Wanna give your opinion about that? complaints it. They use internet, social networking and national media to let know your target.

This are made for people that allows you to name, shame, and claim againts any company or individual that has ripped off or wronged you in any way, leaving you out of pocket or aggrieved. It's amazing right, you can make the company or somebody else know your complaint. And not about that, our customer claims can reply with company or individual to settle your claims or complains, and when fully satisfied, you can delete / remove your statement.

Enjoy that, now. And let company and individual know that their wrong or mistakes.

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Situ Gintung

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:27 AM

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Find Your Driver

Diposting oleh diorockout | 8:20 AM

Nowadays, many people around the world using a computer. For, gaming, browsing, chatting, and many things that can do with a computer. Some problem can be found at the computer such as viruses, crashed, hang, and many more. But, sometimes the problem is in your hardware, especially is your driver hardware. Your driver hardware must be updated at least 6 month, regulary. If you don't care with your driver or driver updates, it can make your computer not work optimally. So?? Drivers is the solving.

In there, you can find many drivers to download, like nvidia drivers, to search this drivers and drivers update are very rare. So, in this site, you can find the driver and driver update for nvidia. Very interested right? Not only that, Drivers Software offers 3000 companies and 300.000 drivers, that you can chosen.

Others, Acer Drivers, many people using laptop in many way, but sometimes have a problem, and they must to format his hard disk. Confused? In here, you can find many drivers laptop, like acer, toshiba, and many more. So don't be late for your drivers computer, update now, and make your computer work optimally.

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Sentilan Itu Sakit

Diposting oleh diorockout | 1:05 AM

Itulah yang terjadi, sentilan, teguran, nasihat, akan terasa sakit di hati. Dari ketiga tindakan diatas, sentilan yang terasa lebih sakit daripada 2 lainnya. Kenapa? Sentilan merupakan gabungan 3 unsur, tindakan fisik, psikis, dan jiwa.

Tindakan fisik bisa dikatakan kekerasan, seperti contoh, ketika kita diwaktu kecil menumpahkan susu ato memecahkan gelas. Biasanya kita akan dijewer ato dicubit, itulah tindakan fisik. Lalu tindakan psikis, ketika dijewer tersebut, kita biasanya diberitau "jangan nakal", itulah tindakan psikis.

Dan yang terakir tindakan jiwa, setelah diberitau "jangan nakal", biasanya disertakan kata-kata "jangan diulangi ya sayang", itulah tindakan jiwa. Ya, dan setelah sadar apa yang kita lakukan itu salah, barulah kita tau kalo tindakan itu tidak boleh diulangi lagi.

So, jangan diulangi ya.

gambar dari sini

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Glasses Shop

Diposting oleh diorockout | 1:01 AM

Nowadays, any necessary that people wanted. One of is, glasses. Many years ago, glasses just use for minus eyes. But today, glasses is for all people. With glasses, people can be cool, stylish, handsome, beautiful, cute, and many more. For that necessary, GlassesShop.com give you the best glasses shop in the world. Style glasses? Reading glasses? all in there!

With High-indexted Prescription Eyeglasses at affordable price, glasses offers many huge chosen selection of eyeglasses. We all know, if the high-class and new eyeglasses are expensive, but in GlassesShop, we offers the cheapest price. It's very interesting right? You come from other country? it's no problem, because GlassesShop have a good buying guide. Not only that, in the first interface, you can see many new Glasses, recommended glasses, and best sell glasses. With that feature, you can have considering to choose the best glasses for your eyes.

Now for you with have a problem for reading. We offer you Discounted Reading Eyeglasses. So, you can buy the style eyeglasses and with reading eyeglasses with the cheap price. Give a gift to your family, girlfriend, with eyeglasses in GlassesShop. With the GlassesShop slogan, "Care, Start at Eyes". Visit the GlassesShop, online prescription eyeglasses expert, now.

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1 Jam Saja..

Diposting oleh diorockout | 12:29 PM

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Blogger Boso Suroboyoan

Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:59 AM

Sangar yo judulè?

Blogger boso suroboyoan metu nang fitur ngedit nang blogspot, gendeng gak? Dadi awak peno atek duwe blog, deloken nang dasborè blogger, trus mlebuo nang "posting baru" atek gak yo "new post". Langsung matamu deloken nang nisor, onok boso suroboyo, cuk!!

Atek awak peno gak percoyo, wes tak skrinsut gambare, dadi cek aku sawanganè gak mbujuki. Ikilo..

Hahahaha, atek seng mesoh, mesohè rek. Ketok nang gambar nang ndowor, seng werno abang deloken. "SIMPAN SEK" (pembacaan sama seperti kata, "mbalek sek", "mangan sek", dll). Keren yo rek, dadi tambah seneng blogspot aku, jancuk!!!

Mengganggu mata anda postingan saya? silahkan ketik JANCOK di komentar bawah..

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Driver Detective

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:40 AM

Nowadays, many people, child, and company using a computer. Save his work, do his work, internet, or play games online. But, some people had a problem, that was, the computer slow, kept crash and many more. Crashed or the file is cannot be opened for some reason or another, this problem can happen the user or administrator installing new program or remove some program, maybe delete some file an old one. It's look a simple huh? but, as long as your computer are like that, you waste your time.

And now, with File Extension DMG, that problem can be solved. File extension DMG have a software is, Driver Detective. Sometimes, windows cannot open file extension dmg, there are might be corrupted or missing their regristy. The advantages of Driver Detective are solve that problem. Broken drivers, corrupt drivers, and many more, with File Extension DMG, you can help to finding all of the latest drivers you need.

Confusing how to use the Driver Detectiv? in File Extension DMG, there are complete tutorial, how to install, how to scanned your computer, so, don;t worry. Any corrupt files, cannot be opened? Visit the site, donwload the software, and make youe computer fast.

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Trend Membuat Video Menjadi Gambar Gif

Diposting oleh diorockout | 2:55 PM

Seperti yang sudah saya posting sebelumnya, di cara membuat gambar gif, kali ini saya mau membahas tentang tren membuat gif dari video. Bukan caranya sih sebenernya, cuma saya mau bahas aja, lha wong saya sendiri gak bisa, hehehe.

Jadi gini certinya, sewaktu saya mampir ke forum-forum sepakbola untuk mencari link downloadan pertandingan sepakbola liga inggris, saya terpincut dengan gambar bergerak atau gif, yang menampilkan gambar replay dari gol-gol pertandingan tersebut. Sangat mngesankan, tidak lagi seperti gambar bergerak patah-patah, tetapi ini lancar. Perhatikan gambar berikut.

Cuma 1 mb, padahal kalo download movienya, bisa sampe 10 mb, wow..

gambar gif dari sini

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Happy Birthday Sayang

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:34 AM


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Diposting oleh diorockout | 7:08 PM

Hehehehe, kebanyakan liat available jobs ada apa kagak, jadi lupa update blog. Ya, beberapa hari ini saya menekunin paid review. Ada beberapa hal sebenarnya yang mengakibatkan agak tergoresnya blog yang udah berumur 2 tahun lebih ini.

Yang pertama, cari pengalaman, it has been 2 years, man. Yang kedua, saya mau beli sesuatu, hehehe, and now, it's 34%, 66% to go. Itulah alasan saya kenapa mau menulis review. Ada beberapa efek negativ dari ikutan review, yaitu, sumpah saya gak pernah blogwalking. God damn, sorry guys :(

InsyaAllah jika keinginan saya beli sesuatu tersebut tercapai, ngeblog seperti 1 1/2 taon lalu bakal terulang. Doain ya..

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Drawing UCL

Diposting oleh diorockout | 6:54 PM

Manchester United v Porto
Arsenal v Villareal
Barcelona v Bayern Muenchen
Liverpool v Chelsea

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UEFA Champions League Drawing

Diposting oleh diorockout | 8:44 AM

Setelah saya sempet menulis ini, nanti malam saya juga akan memposting drawing UEFA Champions League 2008/2009, pada pukul 19:00 WIB.

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Direct TV Special Offers

Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:22 PM

Nowadays, many programs are offers a good TV shows. Old local TV programs which can make the spectator bored. With the direct TV, we can watch many programs that differrent from local TV. For example, you can watch a new box office in HBO, sport programs in ESPN, animal habit in Animal Planet, cartoon in Cartoon Network, news in CNN and many more. Confused with many direct TV offers? I have the solutions.

The answer is Direct TV Specials. DirectTV offers your many package that you want, family with +45 channel, choice +150 channel, choice extra +200, special offer is premier +265 channel and many more. Direct TV very friendly for his customers. Not only the special offers, Direct TV Deals offers you, the DVR System, HD System, Direct TV High Definition, and Direct TV High Definition Receiver.

Don't worry, sign up now, and you will feel the advantages. And if you order now via telephone, the Direct TV have special offers. You know if you order by phone now? about $583, wow, it's amazing right? Now, pick up your phone, and order now.

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Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:38 PM



hari dan tanggal

JAM 14.30 (Kick Off Jam 15.00)

HANS FUTSAL Panjang Jiwo

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Nonbar Liverpool FC v Aston Villa

Diposting oleh diorockout | 4:43 PM

BIGREDS Surabaya proudly Present

LIVERPOOL FC v Manchester United

KICK OFF 23:00


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In Rafa We Trust

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:06 AM

Alhamdullilah, setelah terkatung-katung, akhirnya pelatih Liverpool Rafael Benitez, memperpanjang durasi kontrak sampai 2014. Yaah, jadi bisa fokus buat si 19 dan si 6. BELIEVE


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Best Diet Pills

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:20 PM

Another day by day, many people want to being slim and healthy. Some people was success to be a slim, but they didn't healthy. But now, don't worry if you make a some party, bbq party, meet our big family and your body is fat, or not sexy?? In best diet pills your problem will be sloved soon. The best diet pills in the world will be reviewed in here, like their logo "Only The Best We Rate!", hmm, amazing right?

When you visit that site, you will be able to choose the best diet pills, who the diet pills that work. The diet problem nowadays, are the side effect, and how can the diet pills is works in our body? Nah, in best diet pills, many diet pill reviews that who you can make a opinion before you choose the best diet pills. This site designed to provide you the best solution, public research and review list of weight loss pill online. Just a look?? No, here you can compare the top rated best diet pills formula endorsed by renowned and reliable American and UK Doctor, Euro Profession Medical Herbalist, leading nutritionist and nutritional adviser with certified weight loss products.

Don't much to think, if you miss your slim body a day, a month, or even a year ago, visit best diet pills, and choose your diet pills like your criteria.

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Drek, no offense

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Google Adsense Interest-based Advertising

Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:25 AM

Hohoho, barusan saya mendapat email dari google adsense team, tentang iklan berbasis. Nah, apa itu iklan berbasis? Saya tidak tahu, saya dikasih link untuk membaca lebih lanjut, tapi males bukanya, hehehe.

Di email tersebut juga dituliskan kalo saya disuruh nulis angket tentang program google adsense tersebut, yah, nanti kapa-kapan saya kesana.

Email dari google intinya sebagai berikut :

Interest-based advertising will allow advertisers to show ads based on a user's previous interactions with them, such as visits to advertiser website and also to reach users based on their interests (e.g. "sports enthusiast"). To develop interest categories, we will recognize the types of web pages users visit throughout the Google content network. As an example, if they visit a number of sports pages, we will add them to the "sports enthusiast" interest category. To learn more about your associated account settings, please visit the AdSense Help Center at http://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/topic.py?topic=20310.

Nah, sapa hayo yang bisa artikan??

gambar dari ini

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Nonton Bareng (NONBAR) United v Liverpool FC

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:00 AM

BIGREDS Surabaya proudly Present


SABTU, 14 MARET 2009
KICK OFF 19:45


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Peraturan Yang Aneh

Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:00 PM

Saat sudah kebelet pipis, maka pikiran pun sudah tidak bisa berpikir apa-apa, selain DIMANA TOILET!!!

Nah, ketika sudah memasuki toilet, maka yang dilakukan adalah buka resleting, dan syurrr... lega. Setelah lega itulah, kita dapat berpikir normal, melihat sekeliling, dan apa yang akan dilakukan nanti. Melihat sekeliling inilah yang saya lakukan setelah pipis.

Gambar diatas saya ambil dari toilet parkiran Gramedia EXPO Surabaya. Sekilas tidak ada yang aneh, gambar tersebut merupakan peraturan bagaimana pipis dengan benar. APA??? Pipis dengan benar??? Semua orang juga tahu, kalo pipis buka resleting langsung mancur deh.

DAn gambar di atas, sangat aneh, masak ada orang pipis bakal kayak gambar yang sebelah kiri??

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Buy It in ShopWiki

Diposting oleh diorockout | 5:23 PM

Online game store in this century are very rare. The online game store had not a good interface, bad accessories, even the online game store are scam. And now, you can buy game accessories cheap, fast and trust in ShopWiki online store. Especially when you looking for games, like Nintendo Wii, Wii Accessories and Wii games. In shopwiki, just type Nintendo Wii in search that you want, and that is will give you more than one Nintendo Wii choosen with the cheap price. Nintendo Wii nowadays are very interactive, with the collest video games in the world. Play baseball can make your body fit, or boxing with your family or friends make your good relationship.

In the ShopWiki, you can buy with the simple way. Search what you want, register a second and buy it, as simple like that. It's very interesting right? Have a Nintendo Wii with the games, and play with your family.

Just sell nintendo wii? No! In ShopWiki, there are so many video games, like Nintendo DS, Sony Playstation 3, or Microsoft X-Box 360. Expressive site, video games and accessories is update everytimes. Almost all video games accessories in ShopWiki are very update, like Wii Memory SD, Wii Component Cable, Wii Singing Bag, and many more. And the video games of Nintendo Wii are updates too, with the Wii guide. At least, enjoy buy video games in ShopWiki.

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Linkstar, Earn Your Money, Earn Your Visitors

Diposting oleh diorockout | 8:08 PM

Nowadays, paid advert programs are very rare. Many new programs offering paid adverts appear, this can make many advertisers and blogger confused. But now, linkstar is the answer to the many paid adverts programs on internet. With linkstar the process is easy unlike other paid advert programs, which you must sign up to, submit your blog, and wait until you're approved. WIth Linkstar UK, you can talk 1 on 1 with your advertiser, or with your blogger. Linkstar was very active in approaching websites like my travel site which which has a good traffic and niche.

Not only that, according the experience, there was no one blogger who had sold adverts on over 4 of his sites. Go to linkstar website, if interested in selling advertising on your website, place your message, and feel the money come in.

You can make a deal and make your own payment, on the spot! If you agree, publish the advert like your agent described, and earn your money in your paypal account soon. And not only for bloggers, the advantages are also there for the publisher. There is also a review of Linkstar on the pixellemonk.Enjoy your review in linkstar, for blogger? earn your money as soon as possible. and for publisher, earn your unique vistor more than ever :)

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Apa itu Kokology

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:34 AM

kokology - kokologist - kokologize

Baru-baru ini saya sedang seneng-senengnya baca buku. Gak tau kenapa kok saya senang membaca buku, mungkin karena saya nganggur kali ya?

Kemaren saya meminjam buku dari pacar saya, judulnya KOKOLOGY - GAME PRAKTIS MENGGALI POTENSI ANDA. Agak unik juga bukunya, tentang psikologi gitu. Sebenarnya ada keuntungan yang kita mempelajari psikologi, khususnya untuk diri kita. Dasarnya, kita bisa lebih tau watak kita dibandingkan orang lain (biasanya yang lebih tau watak kita orang lain). nah dengan belajar psikologi ini, kita bisa TAHU diri kita.
Kembali lagi ke kokology, kokology adalah permainan psikologi untuk menyikapu emosi dan sifat dan tingkah laku seseorang. Nah, ini uniknya buku ini. Kita akan diajak untuk berpikir apa yang akan kita lakukan jika kita berada di dalam situasi A misalnya, atau situasi B. Nah jika sudah, maka di buku ini, akan dijelaskan tipe orang apa anda, jenis apa anda, atau macam apa anda, jika anda memilih jawaban yang ada dipikiran anda.

Pertama untuk membaca buku ini, yang anda lakukan yaitu, jangan berpikir terlalu lama, apa yang ada dipikiran anda langsung ando omongkan, dan jangan berubah!!! Satu hal lagi, jawaban anda tidak pernah benar dan tidak pernah salah.

Penasaran gimana macam-macam game-game psikologinya? Nanti saya akan tulis 1 atau 2 game di postingan berikutnya, see ya..

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Sertifikasi Guru

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:29 AM

Kabar gembira bagi para guru-guru yang mengabdi selama berpuluh-puluh tahun, tetapi tidak segera diangkat menjadi PNS ataupun yang mempunyai NUPTK, yaitu Nomor Unik Pendidik dan Tenaga Pendidikan. Seperti diberitakan oleh jawapos (4/3), pendaftaran sertifikasi guru akan diadakan pada pertengahan tahun ini.

Yang lebih melegakan lagi, jatah sertifikasi guru di Jawa Timur adalah yang paling tinggi se Indonesia. Sekitar 35.029 guru bakal mempunyai sertifikat setelah puluhan tahun mengajar tanpa tanda jasa. Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan, kita banyak mendengar guru-guru demo di DPRD kota-kota di Jawa Timur, dikarenakan mereka tidak diangkat-angkat menjadi PNS setelah lama menjadi tenaga honorer.
Dengan adanya sertifikasi guru ini, yang alhamdullilah sangat besar jumlahnya, kita bisa lebih menghargai guru-guru kita yang mengajar kita dengan sabar, dan for sure, tanapa tanda jasa.

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Belajar PHP, Belajar SQL, dan Belajar Joomla

Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:55 PM

Aneh ya?

Itulah yang akan saya lakukan akir-akir ini. Memang, yang PHP sama Joomla gak ada hubungannya sama mata kuliah, tapi apa salahnya mencoba. Sebenernya sangat-sangat berat belajar php, sql, joomla dalam 1 waktu, tetapi dengan adanya panduan, teman, dan halangan, maka insyaAllah saged.

Jadi, doain..

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Diposting oleh diorockout | 2:11 PM

Saya kasihan dengan postingan saya yang terdahulu, jadi saya ingin mereview lagi, hwehehe..

windows server 2008
cara cepat belajar microsoft word 2003 dan 2007
mobil baru peserta F1
trik menggunakan mesin pencari google
orang tertinggi di dunia
urus paspor online lewat internet
foto Jorge Lorenzo
log on keren komputer
do follow blog
STIKOMP Surabaya ganti logo
orang tertinggi di dunia baru
gambar pemain bola
40 strange fact
belajar bahasa prancis online
kebun binatang surabaya
hi-tech mall surabaya
CCCL surabaya
penis enlargement
cerita dan humor lucu
yahoo messenger power user
snm ptn 2009

itulah sebagian postingan blog saya, ntar sisanya kapan-kapan ya..

Silahkan di kunjungi..

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