
Web Hosting Geeks

Diposting oleh diorockout | 2:08 PM

Nowadays, many people using website to promote their company, their business, and their shop. To build a good website, you must smart to choose the best web hosting. What is web hosting? web hosting is the place / database that you can use to build your website. How you can find the best web hosting. The answer is, web hosting geeks. In web hosting geeks, you can find a lot of web hosting. Not a just web hosting, but the power full web hosting with the fast loading, good database, high security, and also cheap. You can find the web hosting who have unlimited space, unlimited traffic with a low price. It's very helping you to find a good web hosting.

Online business e-commerce we saw encountered. So, if your business is e-commerce, you can choose dedicated server. Dedicate server is very complete and match for your business, especially in e-commerce. Because, dedicate server can receive many benefits for your website. High security, and good services are the priority of dedicate server. You can find the best rating of dedicate server over the world, only on web hosting geeks.

Not only that, in web hosting geeks, you can find the web hosting about saving the earth. The name is green hosting. You can find many web hosting that have respectable for the green web host. The green web hosting is use, alternative energy, recycling waste, plant trees to purchase RECS power of data center. Is very helping you if you want to save our earth. In green web hosting, you can find a company that is reliable and provides a quality service most importantly. So, do not waste your time to looking for the best web hosting. Visit the web hosting geeks, and find many of web hosting that have good data base, high security, best rating, good services and also the cheap price.

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Surat Dari Noordin M Top (Nurdin M Top)

Diposting oleh diorockout | 5:44 PM



اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ مُعِزِّ اْلإِسْلاَمِ بِنَصْرِه، وَمُذِلِّ الشِّرْكِ بِقَهْرِه، وَمُصَرِّف اْلأُمُور بِأَمْرِه، وَمُسْتَدْرِجِ اْلكَافِرِيْنَ بِمَكْرِه، اَلَّذِي قَدّرَ اْلأَيَّامَ دُولاً بِعَدْلِه، وَالصَّلاَةُ وَالسَّلاَمُ عَلَى مَنْ أَعْلَى اللهَُ مَنَارَ اْلإِسْلاَمِ بِسَيْفِه.

أمَّا بعد

Ini adalah keterangan resmi dari Tandzim Al Qo'idah Indonesia untuk ummat Islam dengan Amaliyat Jihadiyah Istisyhadiyah di Hotel JW. MARRIOT Jakarta, pada hari Jum'at pagi, tanggal 17 juli 2009 M./24 Rojab 1430 H. yang dilakukan oleh salah satu ikhwah mujahidin terhadap "KADIN Amerika" di Hotel tersebut.

Sesungguhnya telah sempurna pelaksanaan Amaliyat Istisyhadiyah dengan karunia Allah dan karomah-Nya setelah melakukan survey yang serius dan pengintaian yang mendalam terhadap orang-orang kafir sebelumnya.

Dan sungguh benar firman Allah :

"Maka (yang sebenarnya) bukan kamu yang membunuh mereka, akan tetapi Allahlah yang membunuh mereka, dan bukan kamu yang melempar ketika kamu melempar, tetapi Allah-lah yang melempar. (Allah berbuat demikian untuk membinasakan mereka) dan untuk memberi kemenangan kepada orang-orang mukmin, dengan kemenangan yang baik. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha mendengar lagi Maha mengetahui". (QS. Al Anfal : 17).

Ini juga sesuai dengan firman Allah Ta'ala :

"Perangilah mereka, niscaya Allah akan menghancurkan mereka dengan (perantaraan) tangan-tanganmu dan Allah akan menghinakan mereka dan menolong kamu terhadap mereka, serta melegakan hati orang-orang yang beriman". (QS. Attaubah : 14).

Agar ummat ini mengetahui bahwasanya Amerika, khususnya orang-orang yang yang berkumpul dalam majlis itu, mereka adalah para Pentolan Bisnisman dan Inteljen di dalam bagian ekonomi Amerika. Dan mereka mempunyai kepentingan yang besar dalam mengeruk harta negeri Indonesia dan pembiyaan tentara kafir (Amerika) yang memerangi Islam dan kaum muslimin. Dan kami akan menyampaikan kabar gembira kepada kalian wahai ummat Islam, bi idznillahi Ta'ala dengan mengeluarkan cuplikan-cuplikan film dari Amaliyat Istisyhadiyah ini insya Allah.

Dan kami beri nama Amaliyat Istisyhadiyah ini dengan : "SARIYAH DR. AZHARI".

Kami ber-Husnu Dhon kepada Allah bahwa Allah akan menolong kami dan menolong kaum muslimin dalam waktu dekat ini.

الله أكبر ولله العزة ولرسوله والمؤمنون

Amir Tandzim Al Qo'idah Indonesia

Abu Muawwidz Nur Din bin Muhammad Top



اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ مُعِزِّ اْلإِسْلاَمِ بِنَصْرِه، وَمُذِلِّ الشِّرْكِ بِقَهْرِه، وَمُصَرِّف اْلأُمُور بِأَمْرِه، وَمُسْتَدْرِجِ اْلكَافِرِيْنَ بِمَكْرِه، اَلَّذِي قَدّرَ اْلأَيَّامَ دُولاً بِعَدْلِه، وَالصَّلاَةُ وَالسَّلاَمُ عَلَى مَنْ أَعْلَى اللهَُ مَنَارَ اْلإِسْلاَمِ بِسَيْفِه.

أمَّا بعد

Ini adalah keterangan resmi dari Tandzim Al Qo'idah Indonesia untuk ummat Islam dengan Amaliyat Jihadiyah Istisyhadiyah di Hotel Rizt Calrton Jakarta, pada hari Jum'at pagi, tanggal 17 juli 2009 M./24 Rojab 1430 H. yang dilakukan oleh salah satu ikhwah mujahidin terhadap antek-antek Amerika yang berkunjung di Hotel tersebut.

Sesungguhnya Allah menganugerahkan kepada kami jalan untuk menyerang Hotel termegah yang dimiliki oleh Amerika di Ibukota Indonesia di Jakarta, yaitu Rizt Calrton. Yang mana penjagaan dan pengamanan di sana sungguh sangatlah ketat untuk dapat melakukan serangan seperti yang kami lakukan pada kali ini.

"Mereka membuat Makar dan Allah pun membuat Makar. Dan Allah itu Maha Pembuat Makar". (QS. Ali Imron : 54).

Adapun sasaran yang kami inginkan dari amaliyat ini adalah :

1. Sebagai Qishoh (pembalasan yang setimpal) atas perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh Amerika dan antek-anteknya terhadap saudara kami kaum muslimin dan mujahidin di penjuru dunia

2. Menghancurkan kekuatan mereka di negeri ini, yang mana mereka adalan pencuri dan perampok barang-barang berharga kaum muslimin di negeri ini

3. Mengeluarkan mereka dari negeri-negeri kaum muslimin. Terutama dari negeri Indonesia

4. Menjadi pelajaran buat ummat Islam akan hakikat Wala' (Loyalitas) dan Baro' (Permusuhan), terkhusus menghadapi datangnya Klub Bola MANCESTER UNITED (MU) ke Hotel tersebut. Para pemain itu terdiri dari para salibis. Maka tidak pantas ummat ini memberikan Wala'nya dan penghormatannya kepada musuh-musuh Allah ini

5. Amaliyat Istisyhadiyah ini sebagai penyejuk dan obat hati buat kaum muslimin yang terdholimi dan tersiksa di seluruh penjuru dunia

Yang terakhir ….. bahwasanya Amaliyat Jihadiyah ini akan menjadi pendorong semangat untuk ummat ini dan untuk menghidupkan kewajiban Jihad yang menjadi satu-satunya jalan untuk menegakkan Khilafah Rosyidah yang telah lalu, bi idznillah.

Dan kami beri nama Amaliyat Jihadiyah ini dengan : "SARIYAH JABIR"

الله أكبر ولله العزة ولرسوله والمؤمنون

Amir Tandzim Al Qo'idah Indonesia
Abu Mu'awwidz Nur Din bin Muhammad Top


taken from republika online.

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Namamu Mencerminkan Wajahmu

Diposting oleh diorockout | 6:31 PM

Klik disni http://turnyournameintoaface.com/ trus masukkan nama anda, maka akan keluar sebuah gambar unik yang mencerminkan nama anda. Enjoy

itu gambar wajahku ketika aku ketik "Dior"

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Berapa Banyak Kembaran Namamu Di Dunia!!

Diposting oleh diorockout | 8:55 PM

Lewat Facebook, lakukan search :)

Diatas, berarti ada sekitar 500 lebih orang yang mengandung nama saya, yaitu "Dior". Bagaimana dengan nama anda?

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Kenalan Yuk dot Com

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:27 AM

Indonesia Social Network Site

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Everest Bonus From Flop Turn River

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:25 PM

Nowadays, many people choose to spend their lovely live with play some games, sports, and many other positive things. But, the most people doing today are playing games, poker. Play poker, beside you can rich instant, you can kill your time, being smart, and did well with your luck. Now, you can see many site poker in internet. But sometimes, you see the bad site, with not friendly users, expensive sign up, no bonus, or difficult requirements. Don't worry, Everest poker bonus is the answer.

Every sign with Everest Poker by Flop Turn River, you will get all anything you want to play poker. From big bonus, fast sign up, and many other advantages. Everest Poker Bonus Code will give you best offer that you ever seen. If you sign up on that link, you will given a $300 flat player bonus!! Very interesting right. Confused with the rules, don't worry Everest Poker review will answer all your question.

So don't waste your time to looking for the poker site. Visit that site, and find the advanteges by using Everest Poker Bonus.

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Bom di JW Marriot dan Ritz Carlton

Diposting oleh diorockout | 12:50 PM

Astaghfirullah, speechless. Perih rasanya hati ini mendengar berita bom meledak di daerah kuningan, Jakarta. Banyak orang yang tak berdosa, terenggut dengan mudah, dan banyak orang yang sedang menjalankan aktivitasnya terluka. Gak nyangka, 2 hari sebelum kedatangan ManU ke Indonesia, musibah yang menampar wajah Indonesia ini kembali terulang, ditempat yang sama. Tahun 2003, bom mobil meledak di hotel JW Marriot, Jakarta. Plaaak!! itulah bunyi tamparan bagi kita, penjagaan yang ketat dapat ditembus, Visit Indonesia 2009 pun berubah jadi, Watch Out To Visit Indonesia.

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Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:46 PM

Wow, baru hari ini keluar, udah keluar duluan sound tracknya. Film paling dinanti oleh para penikmat atau para penulis review / resensi Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince film di dunia ini memang paling menjadi penasaran. Tahun kemaren, bilang kalo Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince bakal keluar awal tahun 2009. Mundur mei, akirnya keluar juga hari ini. This is it,

Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince Soundtrack
Download :

brunooghe @Dirty Dingo
pic @favfics.com

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Indosat M2 Semakin Lemot

Diposting oleh diorockout | 12:33 PM


Broadband paling laris saat ini, indosat M2 akan semakin lemot. Saat ini, para pengguna internet memang giat2nya daftar indosat M2 dikarenakan musim liburan. IM2 broom yang menjadi andalan indosat dalam hal broadband ini memang banyak kekurangan. Sinyal penuh tapi lemot, jam kerja apalagi. Para pengguna IM2 menggunakan siasat atau tips agar tidak lemot yaitu menggunakan kabel panjang, dan berinternet di malam hari.

Menurut data sekarang, pengguna IM2 naik 3 KALI LIPAT!! Dan pengguna di jawa timur, ada sekitar 80 ribu pelanggan! Ya, 7,2 Mbps dibagi dengan orang segitu banyaknya, hadu. Belom lagi jika kita berada di daerah low-signal, siap-siap banting mouse karena lemotnya. Oia lupa, secara nasional, pengguna IM2 ada 500 ribu. Set dah..

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Cartier Santos replica

Diposting oleh diorockout | 7:41 PM

Pioneers in the field of luxury watches and one of the highly preferred brands for watches the name Cartier needs no introduction. Watch aficionados even some time remark that beauty of Cartier watches have a mesmerizing power which coax a watch enthusiast to own one. An open mind, free spirit and drive for excellence are the motivation behind the innovative designs of Cartier watches. Cartier watches draw inspiration from magnanmity of symbols across the world. Virtue of truth and honesty is ingrained in Cartier watches.

One of the most revered watches from the house of Cartier is Cartier "Santos". The story began when a Brazilian aeronaut Alberto Santos-Dumont complained about sub standard of pocket watches which were totally misfit for aviation functions. Louis Cartier a friend of Dumont took up this criticism as an opportunity to introduce world's first flat wrist watch designed for aviators. After the aeronaut the watch was names "Santos". The design of these watches has since become iconic.
Who would not like to own a watch so rich in design and with such a spectacular history? But unfortunately the exorbitant prices of these watches are a barrier to the desire of possessing one for most of us. Before you are disappointed, we bring to you highest quality Cartier Santos replica.

Unlike other watches meant for aviation Santos Cartier replica is not big dial heavy pilot's watch and it has constantly been updated over a period of time. The classic Cartier Santos replica watches has a square dial with rounded corners powered by automatic movement best in Swiss craftsmanship. The anti reflective scratch resistant mineral glass coating and a deployment clasps in the bracelet and the water resistance unto 100 meters gives our Cartier Santos replica a robustness that most of other replica watches fail to stand to.

What are waiting for? Come grab you own piece of a Cartier Santos replica today!!!

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Chicago Plumbing Company

Diposting oleh diorockout | 2:07 PM

Nowadays, many problem in our house. Start with our environment, our households, and many other problem. With our activities, sometimes that's problem can not solve soon. From that's problem, Chicago plumbing is the answer. Chicago plumbing company is the specialize in all the following plumbing services, like faucets, sinks, shower and etc. Chicago plumbing company can replace the pipes, maintenance and repairs.

With the professionals services, Chicago plumbing can fix and repairs anything plumbing services. Many plumbing problem are quick fixes with the satisfied services because a little know-how there are a few common repairs that can be accomplished with easily. So that's, Chicago plumbing company had many loyal customers in Chicago, United States. In their sites, you can see the benefit if you join with Chicago Plumbing Company. Not only that, in that's site, you can get the special offers if you order by phone. That was the other benefit beside the professionals services, and good guarantee. You can get the advice of local real estate dealers or home contractors to find a capable plumber.

So do not waste your time to looking for the other Plumbing company, especially if you live in Chicago, United States. Call today, and get special offer, your households will get well, and your activities back to normal.

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Hasil Quick Count Pemilu Presiden 2009

Diposting oleh diorockout | 1:21 AM

Kurang 2 hari lagi, pemilihan umum (pemilu) presiden 2009 akan dimulai. Lembaga survei mulai sibuk guna mempersiapkan Quick Count pemilu presiden 2009, yang pada nantinya masyarakat bisa mengetahui lebih awal hasil pemilu presiden 2009 lewat quick count tersebut. Lalu, saya yang akan membeberkan website-website yang memaparkan hasil pemilu presiden 2009:
- detikPemilu
- tvone
- metro TV

Semoga presiden kita nantinya peduli dengan rakyat kecil.

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Diposting oleh diorockout | 6:42 PM

For more information, visit STIKOMUSIC Official website

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Google, Blog And Advertising

Diposting oleh diorockout | 1:09 AM

Nowadays, blog grow up like the building in the town. Many blog create with the one reason, looking for money online. Looking for money online usually did with advertising. What kind of advertising? Put your ads in our blog, because your ads will more often to see. That is a little of development blog. According to the article "Google and blog advertising", Technoraty, reported that in its State of the Blogosphere 2008 that 95% of the top 100 newspapers have blog reporters. Very interesting right?

The opportunities of making money online with blog already open. Google, the best search engine company today, have the solution, with google adsense. Google adsense placing advertisements on websites with the important guidelines. So, google doesn't want "invalid clicks"; thus it restricts the efforts that bloggers might use in directing customers to ads. Google wants only "genuine valid clicks and impressions from real customers". Some internet marketer said that, making money online is easy, it's lie. Making money online need the hard work, good blog, and little lucky. So, development of the advertising world is growing rapidly.

Start blogging can start with a good topic, considering a certain topic. And don't forget, "Content is king" so, posting your article regular, and if you blog it is quite possible for a business, please try the online advertising. Happy Blogging.

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Web Directories

Diposting oleh diorockout | 12:54 AM

Nowadays many web business grow up. Almost every week, rise the new web business. From that reason, web directories is the answer to have your web business, improve your link popularity, increase your traffic. By submitting your website you will get the a direct link from one of the web directories pages. Another advantages if you submitted your website to web directories are, you will see many another site that similar with your website. Example, you just submit your website to free web directory, and you choose the categories that might be similar with your website. So, you can visit that site, and you can trade with your backlink.

Now, you can find many free web directory in internet. Beside improve your link, increase your traffic, by submitting your website to web directories is helping your website for fast indexing by search engine. Search engine will looking for the new article with a good backlink, a good content to show in first page in that search engine. And, by submitting your article to web directories, is very helping you to index your website or your article in search engine. Your very lucky if your article or your article show in the first page, because many web directories is have a good Page Rank.

If you first submitting your website or article in web directories, should you can submitting your website or your article to web business directory. By submitting your website or your article, your website or your article will be easily to indexed by search engine. Sometimes, some search engine is see the website from the link popularity, so by submitting to web directories, your website or your article regular, not impossible your website and your article is show in first page on the search engine with your keywords that you want. Your traffic will increase, your link popularity has increase too.

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