
A timepiece which creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. A luxury designer timepiece can really say a lot about a person. The name Rolex has always been associated with high class and success. Wearing such a timepiece is a reward for success and recognition that you are a winner in life's lottery. You now don't have to be super-rich though, to enjoy this image. Rolex replica watches are a way for practically anyone to give a great impression to those around them. A timepiece like the fake Rolex Yacht Master will have people thinking that you really are one of life's winners. The great thing about this is that it become like a self-fulfilling prophecy. You wear Rolex replica watches and people think you are a success and treat you this way; the fact that people are treating you like a success means that you quickly become one; a truly positive feedback system.

The idea that you only get in life what you pay for is a myth that the fake Rolex Yacht-Master and other Rolex replica watches blows out of the water. This is the way of thinking that keeps the fat-cats responsible for the brand-name watches laughing all the way to the bank. Anyone examining the modern Rolex replica watches will not be honestly be able to justify why anyone should be paying such a hefty price for the original. Rolex replica watches are a viable way for anyone to enjoy this type of product at minimal expense.

The makers of Rolex replica watches have been forced to continuously improve their skills and their final product. The modern horology market demands this and anyone not living up to the demand will be quickly out of business. This is why the fake Rolex Yacht-Master is just so good. These are items that will look fabulous on your wrist and cause people to respect you.

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Mohon Maap Lahir Batin

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:48 PM


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Terobasan Baru Facebook, Tag System

Diposting oleh diorockout | 1:15 PM

Facebook, social network terbesar se dunia ini kembali "berulah". Saat kemaren mengubah beberapa tampilan halamannya yang membuat awam sebagian pengguna facebook, kini tim developer FB mengejutkan para penggunannya. Sistem tagging pada twitter dan plurk kini siap menghiasi status anda. Liat seperti contoh dibawah ini.

Jika kita mengetik huruf "@" pada status kita, maka akan muncul deretan nama teman kita. Siap!!!!

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Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:04 PM


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Astaghfirullah, gempa..
Gempa terjadi di pulau jawa dan sekitarnya. Bahkan di Singapura dan Malaysia juga merasakan gempa. Pusat gempa diperkirakan berada di tasikmalaya, berkekuatan 7,5 SR.

Dan yang berbahaya, gempa yang terjadi pukul 3.15 WIB ini berpotensi tsunami. Semoga tidak terjadi apa-apa..

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Saya Ngeblog Udah 2 Tahun Ternyata

Diposting oleh diorockout | 1:08 AM

Alhamdullilah, tidak terasa umur blog saya ini sudah tidak muda lagi bagi sebuah blog. 2 tahun, ya, saya memulai debut membuat blog tepat pada tanggal 1 September 2007, saat itu saya posting tentang rangkuman PTI buat mata kuliah saya. Sekarang tanggal 1 September 2009, tepat pada bulan Ramadhan, semoga blog ini tetap menjadi salah satu blog kesayangan saya, tempat penghasil uang saya, tempat berbagai suka dan duka saya. Amien..

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