
Tamiflu, Obat Flu Babi

Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:38 PM


Tamiflu, obat yang dirancang untuk mengatasi, mencegah, dan mengobati segala macam penyakit flu, influenza disease. Oseltamivir Phospate, nama asli dari tamiflu. Dikembangkan untuk melawan Nearaminidase, Nearaminidase adalah "ketua" dari virus influenza, yang ada di virus flu burung, dan juga di virus flu babi. Sang ketua ini mampu melipatgandakan dirinya, dan mengKO sel-sel tubuh kita.

Tamiflu bekerja dengan mengcover Nearaminidase, setelah beberapa hari, sang ketua akan stuck, dan mati. Jadi, gejala-gejala influenza akan hilang dan membuat kadar antibodi tubuh kita naik. Selain mengcover influenza, kasiat baik tamiflu dapat mengobati penyakit di sekitar saluran pernapasan.

Cara mendapatkan tamiflu sebenarnya cukup mudah, dengan mendatangi Rumah Sakit besar, anda akan menemukan tamiflu. TAPI, with recipe doctor for sure. Jadi, gak perlu terburu-buru beli tamiflu, hidup bersih sudah cukup :)

referensi, http://www.roche.co.id/bahasa/pharma/anti_viral/tamiflu_anti_viral_id.htm

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If you join this home Security System now by phone, you can get the free ADT-Monitored Home Security System, very amazing right? SO, don't wasting your time, order now, and make your house being protected.

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Modern Furniture

Diposting oleh diorockout | 7:40 PM

Nowadays, many furniture need to our house, apartment and many more are very high. A good furniture can make our house or apartment become beautiful, luxurious, and glamour. For that's need, modern furniture, give you the best furniture, cheap price, and a good quality. Like, living room furniture, bedroom furniture, and many more.

Modern bedroom furniture is the one of good furniture offers in Modern Furniture Warehouse. Not only that, Modern Furniture Warehouse offer the contemporary furniture, it's very help you to remake you house or your apartment being good looking. So, don't wasting your time to looking for the furniture store, visit the site, and enjoy your shipping.

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Dampak Bahaya Flu Babi

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:07 PM

Bahaya flu babi yang berdampak mematikan bagi penderita ini, kali ini ada obatnya. Yaitu tamiflu, obat yang digunakan juga untuk flu burung. Virus flu babi ini, diklaim pemerintah Meksiko sebagai penyakit menular berbahaya. Ratusan ribu masker dibagi gratis untuk mencegah flu babi.

Mudahnya alur perpindahan virus flu babi ini yang mengakibatkan cepatnya suatu manusia terjangkit. Udara dan kontak langsung. Penderita yang dinyatakan suspect, akan mudah menularkan virus flu babi dengan batuk, bersin, atau bersentuhan langsung. Inilah yang mengakibatkan pemerintah negara Amerika Latin siaga penuh menangani virus flu babi.

Bagaimana dengan Virus Flu Babi di Indonesia?

Penelitian di Amerika menunjukkan bahwa, virus flu babi kemungkinan kecil berkembang di negara Tropik (panas). Jadi, daerah berkembangnya virus flu babi ini ada didaerah subtropik, yaitu Eropa, Amerika Latin, Afrika, dan sedikit wilayah Asia.

Virus flu babi yang dibawa oleh babi sekalipun ternyata tidak berdampak bagi orang yang memakan babi. Babi yang digoreng dengan suhu yang panas, akan steril dari virus. Dan, untuk di Indonesia, virus flu babi yang menular pada babi akan ditekan. Menghentikan ekspor sementara babi, dan mengawasi hewan babi yang ada di Indonesia.


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Artikel Tentang Flu Babi

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:22 PM


Hampir 90 orang meninggal karena flu ini. Gabungan antara flu manusia, flu burung dan flu babi menjadi virus yang mematikan, namanya Swine Flu atau dikenal dengan flu babi. Di koran ternama di Surabaya, Jawa Pos, disebut "Lebih Menakutkan dari Pada Nuklir".

Sebenarnya, virus flu yang mematikan telah muncul sejak awal tahun 2000. H5N1, mengguncang Indonesia, ratusan warga Indonesia meninggal dikarenakan flu burung ini. Sekarang, mutasi flu burung yang bergabung dengan flu manusia dan flu babi, menjadikan virus baru, Swine Flu.


Perlu diketahui, orang yang terjangkit flu burung prosentase meninggalnya adalah sekitar 6-7%. Dan, flu babi prosentase meninggalnya adalah sampai 90%!! Lalu, apa yang mengakibatkan flu ini mematikan.

Sekitar tanggal 13 April 2009, di Meksiko. Warga Meksiko yang meninggal beberapa hari yang lalu, di fonis menderita flu babi. Lalu sampai hari ini, 83 warga Meksiko meninggal, jadi hampir 7 orang meninggal setiap hari karena flu babi. Virus yang menyerang babi dan manusia ini muncul dikarenakan dropnya kesehatan dan tertular oleh virus babi ini.


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Flu Babi

Diposting oleh diorockout | 5:23 PM

Informasi Tentang Flu Babi
(Swine Flu)

Korban sampai hari ini akibat flu babi di Meksiko sekitar 81 orang, yang terinfeksi virus flu babi sekitar 1.300 warga Meksiko. Banyak juga mahasiswa dari Meksiko kembali pulang ke Negara-nya masing-masing ditolak, karena takut negaranya tertular virus influenza babi H1N1.

Di Indonesia sendiri melakukan tindakan serupa, yaitu mengisolasi mahasiswa atau warga yang habis berkunjung ke Meksiko. Tapi meskipun demikian, virus Babi ternyata dapat dicegah. Berikut tips-tipsnya..


- Gunakan masker
- Kamera Temograf (biasanya terdapat di Bandara Udara dan RumKit besar)
- Obat TAMIFLU, untuk mendapatkan obat TAMIFLU untuk flu burung dan flu babi ada di Apotek.
- Hidup bersih

- Demam, Batuk, Pilek, Lesu, Letih, Capek, Sesak, Muntah, dan Diare.

Gelala tersebut hampir sama dengan flu burung, dikarenakan flu babi merupakan gabungan flu burung dan flu manusia. Dan biasanya cara tertularnya melalui udara dan kontak langsung dengan penderita.

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Caleg Stres

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:42 PM

pengirim rahasia donk

Ya, booming caleg stres rupanya merambat ke dunia YM. Caleg gangguan jiwa yang sekarang marak di televisi pun ditirunya. "Sedikit" kaya adalah jawabannya, mengapa banyak caleg stres. Stres ringan maupun berat bertebaran, hanya koar-koar tentang visi-misi, nonsense.

It's all about money, foto caleg stres dapat mudah di download di internet, itu karena mereka sedikit "menyumbang" dibandingkan yang lain. Daftar caleg stres menurut surat kabar ada sekitar 150rbu, wow! Ada yang kalah, menarik lagi "sumbangannya", ada yang kalah ngadain konser. Mental!

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Credit Card

Diposting oleh diorockout | 2:54 PM

Nowadays, shopping with credit card are very famous. Even, all of online store can accept with credit card. Many people arround the world confused with many kind of credit card, like premium, gold, marketing, sun and many more. To solve this problem, credit card is the answer. CreditCardsClub.com is the master in his sector. Many of credit card types that offer in their website.

Like popular credit cards, or top credit card with Chase Visa premium, discover, Capital one premium prestige and many more. So, don't waste your time to choose the credit card. In CreditCardsClub, you can see credit card review, so you can compare with any kind of credit card.

The helpfully categories in CreditCardsClub.com is the popular credit card, there are many kind of credit card that have a low prices, annual fee and many more. So, visit the site, apply now, and enjoy your shopping.

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The New Yankee Stadium Tickets

Diposting oleh diorockout | 12:49 PM

The new yankee stadium, the second most expensive stadium ever built after the new Wembley stadium in London was spent 1.6 billion U.S dollars. For your information, The New Yankee Stadium is already open in 3 April 2009. Confused to looking for Yankee Stadium Tickets, in ACheapSeat.com offer the hottest deal on premium The New Yankee Stadium tickets every day.

In ACheapSeat.com you can buy online The New Yankee Stadium ticket. Not like other online ticketing, in here all that offer to you are the lowest possible prices in nationally. Event in The New Yankee Stadium Tickets call New York Yankees will be held until September 30, 2009. So, follow the order The New Yankee Stadium tickets online, and enjoy watching the game.

Just it? No, ACheapSeat.com offer you Fenway Park Tickets, same like offer above, we will offer you the lowest prices. Another offer is Wrigley Field Tickets, so, don't wasting your time, visit the site.

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Macam-Macam Ketawa di Dunia Cyber

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:44 AM

Kehidupan berbeda terjadi antara kehidupan nyata dan dunia maya. Diman kehidupan nyata adalah real, dan didunia mya kebanyakan tidak "real". Sebagai contoh, saat kita chatting (di MIRC, YM dll) dengan lawan jenis. 75% kita akan berbohong kalo kita itu ganteng, online dirumah, kaya dan kebohongan lainnya. Lalu, contoh lainnya adalah kata-kata. Di dunia nyata, kita biasa omong pake mulut, tetapi di dunia maya kita omong pake keyboard yang diteruskan ke monitor atau layar.

Seperti postingan saya ini, ini adalah cara "ngomong" kita di dunia maya. Yang menarik adalah cara ketawa. Cara ketawa kita di dunia maya akan diperhatikan oleh lawan bicara kita. Contoh, ketawa terbahak-bahak "wkwkwkwkwkwkwkw", akan terasa puas. Ketawa sok cool "hehehe", akan terasa lebih sopan. Dan, inilah beberapa macam ketawa yuang ada didunia maya.

hwak hwak hwak
ngak ngak ngak
hags hags hags

ada yang mau nambahin?

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Military Connectors

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:41 AM

Military equipments, nowadays, are very rare. Just a few store or online store that sell military equipments. Even you find the military application store, you will get the low security, or get the bad tools. But don't worry, Military Connectors from MIL-COM components present the best military equipment and application for you.

The advantages of Military Connectors is the models is up to date, so if you looking for the new one, MIL-COM components have it. In other side, if you looking for the highly specialized, MIL-COM are ready to ship and with stock to bulid. It's very interesting right.

Anything of your military product, equipment, tools or application, MIL-COM components will provide you with the specifically suited for your Military Connectors requirements. So, don't wasting your time to looking for the military connectors, visit the site, and enjoy youe shipping.

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Ecommerce Web Design

Diposting oleh diorockout | 5:36 PM

Nowadays, internet user is very high. About, 108 million websites in cyber world. For your bussiness, we can make web site ecommerce. With a good SEO, your web site will appear high in search engine. A good business, usually looked by the website. Most of target marketing, almost looking for in internet. So, ecommerce web design your web, optimized with SEO, and earn your money.

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Web Hosting Choice

Diposting oleh diorockout | 5:05 PM

Nowadays, many people making a new website. For his job, his company, even his diary. But, many people confused how to make a new website, confused with the hosting and the domain. Many web hosting in internet, make newcomers confused with that. Small database, low security, slow loading and many other disadvantages. For solve this problem, web hosting choice is the answer.

In web hosting choice, you can choose web hosting sites in there, like high definition web hosting, small web hosting and many chosen of web hosting.. In their website, the focus of web hosting are to help the user choose the best web hosting and suitable for small and large company. In list best hosting sites, you can view the price, domain, disk space, data transfer, and many more. For know the web hosting with the cheapest price, you can use the advanced search. It is very interesting right?

For the list of host directory, there are adult, ASP, blog, business and many more web hosting that you can make compare with other web hosting. So, don't waste your time for looking for any web hosting, choose the best web hosting with fast loading, good database, high security, visit this site, and enjoy your surfing, your blogging.

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Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:20 AM

Nowadays, many necessary of human being make some people made a necessary need. In Farrey's, have a good services for buyer. In Farrey's, you can buy any tools in here, like bath, celing fans, doorwear, kitchen, lighting and many more. For your information, Farrey's have a history that make them to a Superior Service since 1924, amazing right?

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Don't worry about the shipping, because Farrey's have a fast shipping. Not only that, Farrey's have Safe Shopping Promise, Volume Discounts, and many other advantages. So, visit the site, and enjoy your shipping.

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Automated Forex Grail

Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:14 AM

Nowadays, many people be unemployed from his job. Or maybe, some entepreneur quit from his jobs because have not financial capital anymore. For solve this problem, automated forex grail is offer you to have more pocket money. Like on their website, over &700,000 profit from a $500 deposit, it is very interesting right?

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Poker Stars

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:10 PM

Nowadays, many people use entertainment to satisfied his self. Like, watching football game, shopping and the most favorite now is gaming. One of superior gaming is poker. Poker can be play for youngsters or older. For your business, we recommended PokerStars Marketing Code. If you sign up in poker stars, and use marketing code "flopturnriver", you will get 100% deposit bonus, up tp $50.

Not only that, in PokerStars Marketing Code you will get first $50 and have a chance to get an extra $800 every single month. And, the grand total is, almost $10,000 every year if you sign up with the marketing code "flopturnriver". It is not the open tournament, it is for FlopTurnRiver, which is you can access to join the exclusive PokerStars event and join the online poker league.

So don't wasting your time to "just" play poker. Join with Poker Stars Bonus Code. And earn your money with other people. Sign up now, creat new account, use the marketing code "flopturnriver". Enjoy.

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Saya Masih Punya Mood

Diposting oleh diorockout | 3:38 PM

Setelah pertarungan tadi malam, yang berkesudahan liverpool 1 - 3 chelsea. Sempat membuat mood saya hilang selama beberapa jam. Sempet gak bisa tidur, gak ngantok, dan hanya menggelinjang di kamar tidur. Akirnya pagi tadi saya memutuskan untuk tidak mencontreng di pemilu 2009. Karena bad mood? Tidak, saya ngantuk puol, jadi pengen tidur lama tadi, trus akirnya bangun jam 12 deh.

Yah, sempet gak percaya sih ma hasil tadi pagi, tapi tadi siang inget The Kop Plege :
-Always support the team, no matter how bad they are playing.
-If the team is doing badly, cheer even louder as they need your support more.
-If a player is struggling, sing his name louder and more often as he needs it.
-If the opposition are the better side and perform well, appreciate it and give them the credit they are due.

and, congrat to chelsea..

oie lupa..
we won it 5 times

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Lexus Car Reviews

Diposting oleh diorockout | 2:01 PM

Necessary of using the vehicles, today is very high. Many people prefer to use car than walk or by train to go to their work place. Car have many advantages, like a economical vehicles, good looking and many other advantages. Some people get confused, to choose what the best vehicles for they need and enough with their pocket. To solve this problem, the car connection is the answer.

One of the considered superior product of the car connection is Lexus. With the high qualify of car, Lexus have many chosen car for you. From the 1997's until the newest 2010's. In the car connection, you can read all reviews of Lexus car, like 2010 Lexus RX 350 reviews. From that reviews, you can have a consideration to buy a car with a cheap price. Confused again with the price? the car connection have a price category, from under $35K until over $85K, it's interesting right.

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BIGREDS Surabaya proudly present

hari tanggal

JAM 22.45 ( Kick Off Jam 23.30 )


dress code
MERAH nya LIVERPOOL dan segala ATRIBUT nya..

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hari dan tanggal
Minggu 05 April 2009

JAM 06.30 ( Kick Off Jam 07.00 )

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contac person
Mr.KETEK aka REZA di 08123190261
Ucha 0817368983

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Buy Gold, Sell Gold

Diposting oleh diorockout | 10:25 AM

Nowadays, many people looking for a gold. Why? because all we know, that the gold are very expensive, long-term wealth preservation, excellent asset and many more. Now, in gold made easy, you can buy a gold or sell your gold. In gold made easy, there are so a lot of kind of gold. Such as, gold bullion coin with american, australian, and many more. And other metal like American platinum eagle and many more. You can search any type of gold that you want to buy. This is very interesting right?

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Confused how to buy the gold in gold made easy? This site have a guide and tutorial how to buy and sell gold or gold coins in gold made easy. Enjoy your buying, and visit the gold made easy.

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Web Hosting Geeks

Diposting oleh diorockout | 9:43 AM

Nowadays, many companies need the web to promote their companies for sure, and manage their companies it self. With website hosting, you can have a power full website, with a good database, fast load, and a good services from web hosting geeks. Many web hosting are disappointed, with a damage database, down database, easy security, load slow, and other disadvantages. But, in this web hosting, you will find the best services.

A power full website, with a good database, fast load, and a good services from web hosting geeks? I know, you think it's very expensive right? Absolutely no. In here, you will find the site that use web hosting geeks. And you will see the monthly fee which make you shocked because the cheap price. You can read the website reviews, web master reviews, customers review to let you know what a good web hosting in web hosting geeks.

This is your first use the hosting? Don't worry, in web hosting geeks have a guide which lead you to make the a good site, power full, a good database, fast load, and other advantages that webhosting offers you. Don't think to much, visit the site, and feel the full services.

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Harga JawaPos Naik

Diposting oleh diorockout | 11:47 PM

Koran terbesar di Jawa Timur, JawaPos akhirnya menaikkan harga, langganan maupun eceran khusus di Surabaya. Pertamanya harga eceran koran JawaPos di Surabaya adalah Rp 3500, sekarang mulai 1 April 2009 resmi menjadi Rp 40000. Lalu langganan, pertamanay Rp 70.000, sekarang menjadi Rp 79.000.

Tapi, tetep kok, kualitas dari Jawa Pos tidak akan berubah, saya langganan sejak tahun 2005, sangat puas. Hwehehehehe..

Coffee Corner, 11:51

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